Senior Manager at Accenture

Arik grew up in Berkeley and is an avid participant in a wide variety of sports. After graduating as the valedictorian from the undergraduate business school at The University of Colorado Boulder, Arik entered the management consulting field and is currently a Senior Manager at Accenture. 

Arik first became involved with SCORES in 2017 through the Corporate Cup, recruiting and captaining the Accenture team. That initial connection deepened after Arik helped establish the SCORES Leadership Council - a new initiative to meaningfully engage professional volunteers. Through this work, Arik assisted the SCORES Board on several efforts, including creating a new go-to-market model and a strategic vision plan. After that, joining the Board was the natural next step. “SCORES aligns with my ideals and allows me to apply my work and professional skills in a way that can make a real impact,” he explains.  

Little known facts about Arik: He has a custom table tennis paddle (from Japan!), likes to make lanyard sculptures, and energetically enjoys the video game series Dance Dance Revolution. He still has the moves.